During civil conflict and at times of state terrorism, people around the world are executed, tortured or imprisoned for political reasons. Registration of human rights violations is essential to face such atrocities and seek justice, truth, reparation, memory, and non-repetition measures that strengthen the rule of law and democracy. Despite the social, political, legal, and cultural relevance of violence registration, there is limited research on this matter. This Newton-Conicyt funded project has contributed to fill this gap by opening the field of study of the registry of political violence. The interdisciplinary team—in close relation with human rights advocacy organizations—has analysed the paradigmatic case of the documentation of human rights violations perpetrated by Pinochet’s dictatorship in Chile. In the project’s first phase the team designed and employed an innovative framework to examine how these atrocities were recorded during the dictatorship and its implications for the transitional process. This phase involved extensive research on archives, truth commissions, and memory sites, creating a pioneering initiative of archive disclosure for all generations to become aware of the importance of recording violence, including an artwork exhibition. In partnership with experts from Colombia and Mexico, the second phase will expand the framework of the role of registry following the case of forced disappearance in societies that have suffered armed conflicts and drug wars. The goals are to boost the availability of these registries and associated public policies, to strengthen social justice, peace and democracy, and to develop robust comparative studies and policy recommendations.
Archivos de la violencia: Orígenes, usos y lecciones en Sudamérica
El número de la desaparición: trayectorias del conteo de víctimas de desaparición forzada en América Latina
Guidelines and Recommendations on the Registry and Documentation of Forced Disappearances
Orientaciones y recomendaciones para el registro y documentación de Desapariciones Forzadas
Imagen del rostro desaparecido. Densidad histórica de un artefacto visual global
Documentar la Atrocidad. Resistir el terrorismo de Estado
Reports on Categorization and Classification of Human Rights

Dra. Vikki Bell

Dra. Marisol López Menéndez

Dr. Jaime Hernández-García

Dra. Oriana Bernasconi

Elizabeth Lira

Dra. Marcela Ruiz

Dr. Hugo Rojas Corral

Ana María Risco

Jefferson Jaramillo Marín

Mitzi Robles Rodríguez

Jorge Ruiz Reyes

Presentación del informe ‘Orientaciones y recomendaciones para el registro y documentación de desapariciones forzadas’

Lanzamiento del libro ‘Documentar la atrocidad. Resistir el terrorismo de Estado’

Convocatoria de artículos: Document, factualize, and commensurate Human Rights Violations

II Cátedra en Derechos Humanos José Aldunate S.J.

Convocatoria dossier Revista Iberoforum ‘Tecnologías políticas de la memoria: documentación de violaciones graves a los derechos humanos en México y América Latina’

I Cátedra en Derechos Humanos José Aldunate S.J. – 18 al 22 noviembre 2019 en Santiago de Chile

Actividades de investigadoras e investigadoras en México, Colombia y Chile

Presentan adelanto del libro “Resistencia a la violencia política en América Latina. Documentando atrocidades” en Workshop “The Knowledge of Human Rights”, Inglaterra

Proyecto Tecnologías Políticas de la Memoria se adjudica Fondo Newton para investigar sobre archivos de derechos humanos en Chile, Colombia y México

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